2007年4月26日 星期四

Tasting OpenIPMP - Installing MySQL (1)

Myload is not quite heavy recently, my boss asked me to do some research on OMA DRM 2.0 (Open Mobile Alliance Digital Rights Management 2.0).
After spending sometimes on reading, it is time to try a hand.

Basically, to make a content in drm 2.0, it requires two parts, one is the making the the content in DCF (DRM Content Format), and setup a Right Server.

We found a open source project OpenIPMP, and have a look on it.
It gets a SDK for DCF file and a DRM Server.
To install the OpenIPMP, it needs
· MySQL database server.
· Java Software Development Kit.
· JBoss application server.

However, our company standard database platform is postgres and that mean I have to install MySQL myself

Well, I haven't toyed MySQL for quite a long time and even longer to install her.

Firstly, download the mySQL rpm. Of course, installing from the source provides more flexibility, however, using rpm is quick and and easier to figure out what other components missing.

Visiting the dophlin site (dophlin is MySQL logo), http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/, choose a mirror and get your rpm.

Then, at the shell prompt, type "rpm --install <mysql.rpm.filename>". If everything goes fine, it would be installed. Unfortunately, it is not in my case. It told:

error: Failed dependencies:
perl(DBI) is needed by MySQL-server-community-5.0.37-0.rhel4.i386

which means the system I worked on did not have all required library for the package. So, I have to install the perl first. Where do I find the perl rpm?
